Status : Verified
Personal Name | Saguid, James Godfhrey L. |
Resource Title | Development of a Modified Rigid Body-Spring Method – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (MRBSM – SPH) Model for Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSIs) |
Date Issued | 07 January 2025 |
Abstract | The analysis of fluid-structure interactions is a process that involves the coupling between the fluid and structural domains. This study presents a combined Modified Rigid Body-Spring Method (MRBSM) – Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) Model for simulating such interactions. It aims to provide a novel approach to the analysis of FSIs which make use of kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, as opposed to typical finite element schemes. The interdependence between the phases is observed in the transmission of output to one another, instead of compatibility equations, further simplifying the analysis. The model initially calculates fluid particle positions, velocities and accelerations, calculates the equivalent forces, to be applied as external loads to the solid rigid body assembly. The rigid body locations and orientations are calculated. This new orientation of the solid is transmitted to the fluid phase as deformed boundary conditions. This study made use of a validation experiment similar to that by Antoci et al. in 2007. From having 1600 initial particles, it was found that the accuracy of the model was maintained by halving the particle size, while doubling the size caused inaccuracies at the early stages of the simulation. There were noticeable accuracy improvements up to a 5-component model, accuracy loss at 6 components and then instability at 7 components. By error comparison, it was found that the 3-component model was the most reasonable simulation, with relative RMSE = 4.09%, relative peak deviation = 2.56% and relative average deviation = 2.93%. Discrepancies from the expected results and instabilities may be attributed to the artificial introduction of higher modes of vibration brought about by the increase in number of MRBSM discretization components, which can be a promising starting point for further investigation. |
Degree Course | MS Civil Engineering - Structural |
Language | English |
Keyword | SPH, RBSM, Fluid-structure Interaction, Staggered Coupling, Particle-based Method |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
1.16 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access