Materials degradation is inevitable and can lead to product failure, incurring loss of product integrity, costs, and even loss of life. While the degradation of monolithic materials has been extensively researched, the failure mechanisms of composite materials remain relatively unexplored. This study investigates the influence of storage aging and defect size on the fracture behavior of rubber composites, specifically for tire sidewall applications. By establishing baseline failure characteristics of fresh composites, this research identifies changes in fracture mechanisms and features as degradation progresses.
Carbon black (CB)-reinforced natural rubber/ butadiene rubber (NR/BR) composites were fractured via tensile load according to ASTM D 412. Fractographic analysis revealed consistent fracture initiation at the edge of dog-bone specimens, followed by the formation of distinct fractures, namely smooth zone, hackle marks, and rupture zone. The “cup-and-cone” fracture origin is indicative of localized shear that resulted to yielding and permanent plastic deformation before initiation of crack. Continued application of tensile load increased the concentrated stress at the origin equivalent to the ultimate tensile strength, initiating crack formation. The crack then propagated slowly through the material, creating a smooth region with faint tear lines. As the load increased, the crack propagation accelerated, forming hackle lines. This reduced the cross-sectional area of the material that could still carry the load, causing the bulk stress to approach its ultimate tensile strength and forming the rupture zone to complete the fracture. The measured ultimate tensile strength and fracture energy of the composites were 15.77 ± 0.58 MPa and 61.08 ± 6.47 J/mm3, respectively.
Exposure to ambient conditions (20-28°C, 55-90% RH) for up to three years significantly degraded the fracture strength of the composites by 37%. While fractographic features remained similar, the fracture origin shifted away from the edge or surface. This suggests that environmental aging, likely due to oxidation brought about by oxygen diffusion from surrounding environment, induced chain scission and crosslink rupture which are typical consequences of oxidation of polymers. Consequently, structural defects formed, acting as nucleation sites for crack initiation. Reduced crosslink density further compromised the material's resistance to crack propagation, leading to premature failure compared to unaged samples.
Considering that defects formed during aging, the influence of defect size on failure mechanisms of notched rubber composites subjected to Mode-I tearing. Compared to unnotched samples, tear lines at the previously identified smooth zone became more pronounced, and secondary crack planes developed parallel to the load direction. The E-strain plot, representing the rate of stress change with respect to strain (dσ/dε), was analyzed to assess crack growth resistance. Distinct regions in the plot were identified, namely strain softening (Payne effect), minimum modulus (Emin), stress upturn, modulus plateau (Eplateau), and fracture. The introduction of a 1mm-notch resulted in the reduction of strain of the Eplateau leading to faster occurrence of fracture as compared to unnotched specimens. At 3mm-notch, fracture occurred after stress upturn whereas immediate fracture occurred at Emin with 5mm-notch. With increasing defect size, the stress concentration at the crack tip also increases such that the strain stiffening contributed by the crosslinks and rubber chains could no longer resist the crack propagation and eventual fracture. Consequently, tearing energy decreased with increasing notch size, from a critical value of 0.239 ± 0.058 J/mm2 for a 3mm notch. Moreover, aging reduced tearing energy up to 73% after two years, highlighting the material's decreased resistance to fracture under both tensile and tearing loads.
This research concludes that environmental aging significantly deteriorates the mechanical properties and fracture resistance of rubber composites. While the overall fracture features remain unchanged, internal defects become more potent in initiating cracks. Future studies should investigate the effects of aging on fracture behavior under dynamic loading conditions and with various filler types and formulations to better understand how aging impacts rubber material performance. This knowledge is crucial for developing more durable rubber components.