Status : Verified
Personal Name Avena, Leuwell S.
Resource Title Stochastic Oil Spill Risk Mapping and Assessment at the Verde Island Passage (VIP) and Panay Gulf and Iloilo-Guimaras Strait (PG-IGS) in the Philippines
Date Issued 26 August 2024
Abstract The Philippines, located within the biodiverse Coral Triangle, faces significant threats from oil spills. This study focuses on two key regions: the Verde Island Passage (VIP) and the Panay Gulf and Iloilo-Guimaras Strait (PG-IGS), selected due to high historical oil spill volumes and frequencies in these two areas. This research used a stochastic modeling approach using the web-based version of the GNOME model and integrate it into an oil spill risk assessment. The oil spill modeling showed that the simulated oil spill patterns were able to capture the actual oil spill trajectory observed in the available satellite data. The risk assessment identified Batangas Bay and the south-eastern tip of Guimaras Island as the highest-risk areas in the VIP and PG-IGS, respectively, as shown in the generated risk map. This affects four MPAs in the VIP and one in PG-IGS. Different oil spill prevention methods in the two study areas were also determined. While policies for oil spill prevention are already established, their effectiveness relies heavily on proper implementation through enhanced communication among the responsible government agencies and increased number of trained personnel. Additionally, the cost analysis highlights substantial financial and environmental impacts, demonstrating that the total response cost, socio-economic cost, and environmental cost increase proportionally with the volume of the oil spill. Among these costs, the socio-economic impact is the most significant, indicating that the oil spill affects surrounding communities more severely than it does the environment, as reflected in the comparatively lower environmental cost. This highlights the importance of preparedness and reliable response mechanisms in the two study areas.
Degree Course MS Chemical Engineering
Language English
Keyword Oil spill; Shipwreck; Risk assessment; Trajectory modelling; GNOME model; GIS
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
504.15 Kb
Category : P - Author wishes to publish the work personally.
Access Permission : Limited Access