Status : Verified
Personal Name Malonzo, Jeremiah Angela C.
Resource Title Case study of COVID-19 experiences of selected street children in Metro Manila
Date Issued 01 August 2024
Abstract This qualitative case study describes the knowledge and experiences of five street children on COVID-19. Typical case sampling was used and the respondents typify the experiences of street children on the streets of Pasig, Marikina, and Quezon City during the early year of the onset of the pandemic and the community quarantices. The respondents were interviewed on the street but to observe proper social distancing and safety precautions, a phone-to-phone interview was used. Results showed that the street children's knowledge on COVID- 19 is basic. They understand that COVID-19 is a contagious and deadly virus and they know the recommended personal equipment to protect themselves from the virus. They know about the practices that may help lessen the spread of the virus. However, even though the street children and the accompanying parent know several things on how to prevent transmission of COVID-19, they do not practice the proper ways of wearing protective gear and do not practice the proper way of hand washing and social distancing. Part of the reasons for this inconsistency in practice is the lack of face masks and inadequate supply of soap and alcohol. Their stories reveal the double vulnerability of the street children and their families during this pandemic. Some received food assistance from the government, from their Barangays in particular, during the early part of the quarantine and all of them received food and money donations from people passing by. It is obvious, however, that these are not enough for their needs. The results suggest that information on COVID-19 guidelines should be widely disseminated not just on television, social media, or radio but to the streets through public or roving announcement systems. There is also a need to find sustainable assistance to street children and their families.
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Home Economics
Language English
Keyword COVID-19 (Disease) — Philippines; Public health — Philippines; Experience; Street children — Philippines — Manila; Homeless children — Philippines — Manila
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.05 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access