Status : Verified
Personal Name Alvarez, Alessandra Layne T.
Resource Title SymbioSynergy: a synergy-generative resort hotel for the symbiosis of humans and emerging-technologies- assisted service robots in the service industry
Date Issued June 2024
Abstract However, such automation and its assistive technologies are currently being used as standalone components and isolated features. This highly contributes to the failure to address issues and concerns regarding the work synergy between humans, service robots, and emerging technologies. This study is qualitative, exploratory research that uses integrative and systems-thinking architectural approaches for the design of a tech-empowered 5-star resort hotel in Entertainment City, ParaƱaque. It examines key factors impacting the relationships of humans, service robots, and emerging technologies in the industry, which is used to develop a framework to be applied in the architectural design of the proposed resort hotel. Through this project, emerging-technologies-assisted service robots may go beyond being mere adjuncts but core elements that are harmoniously integrated to generate synergy with their human counterparts, provide efficiency in service, and enhance the overall human experience. In conclusion, this project, by exploring the integration of the specified automation in a 5-star resort hotel, serves as a model and initiator for discussions to the adoption of emerging-technologies-assisted service robots in service industry facilities of the Philippines.
Degree Course Bachelor of Science in Architecture
Language English
Keyword Robotics--Human factors--Paranaque; Robotics--Paranaque; Customer services--Paranaque; Hotels--Paranaque
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
1.48 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access