Status : Verified
Personal Name Larida, Richard Amayao
Resource Title Cognitive bridges between Ifugao indigenous knowledge and school-based concepts, processes, and values in mathematics
Date Issued October 2012
Abstract The three-phase study involved ethnography, the development of the Cognitive Bridges - Approach (CBA), and an experiment using the two-group pretest-postest design. The ethnography revealed the different mathematical concepts found in the construction of the bale (native house) and in the local woodcraft, ET Stick Bulul. The first construction involves the application of the different kinds of systems of linear equations in two unknowns. The latter construction involves a linear relationship among the body parts of the Bululs. The golden ratio was also observed in some of the samples of the woodcraft. The development of the CBA was a fusion of the school-based and Ifugao concepts, processes, and values in mathematics. It was anchored on ethnomathematics, constructivism, brain-based learning, and culturally responsive pedagogy. The mathematical processes considered in the development of the CBA were: problem-solving, connecting, reflecting, reasoning and proving, selecting tools and computational strategies, communicating, and visualizing/representing/modeling. On the other hand, the following mathematical value clusters were used in designing the CBA: Rationalism-Objectivism, Control-Progress, and Openness- Mystery (Bishop, 2000). The CBA also took into consideration the characteristics of the target learners. In the final phase of the study, an experiment was done to determine the effects of the CBA on the mathematics achievement of students. Two comparable, first-year high school classes in a public school in Banawe, Ifugao were chosen. They were randomly assigned as the experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught using the CBA and the
other group was taught the Conventional Approach (CA) for three weeks. Results showed that there was no significant difference between the post-test scores between the students who were taught using the CBA and those using the CA. However, an item-by-item analysis using a t-test revealed that those in the CB
Degree Course Master of Arts in Education (Mathematics Education)
Language English
Keyword mathematics, study and teaching, Ifugao indigenous knowledge, cognition in children, academic achievement, social life and customs, cognitive bridges-approach, ethnography
Material Type Thesis/Dissertation
Preliminary Pages
7.41 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access