Status : Verified
Personal Name | Florendo, Kimberly P. |
Resource Title | Integration of values in a catholic senior high school through the lenses of students and teachers |
Date Issued | 05 July 2024 |
Abstract | Values education has been reintroduced in the Philippine basic education curriculum as a separate and stand-alone learning area for it was recently institutionalized in the country as the GMRC and Values Education Act. It is argued that if we expand our understanding through research of values education beyond familiar structures, the country may be more equipped to teach crucial and fundamental subjects to the Filipino youth. In support of this endeavor, my study delved into values integration in the senior high school of a Catholic school in lieu of it being taught as a subject on its own. In this study’s participating Catholic private school, values formation is part of the curriculum planning and teaching of the subjects. Value integration is the incorporation of moral values in the process of learning in the various learning areas in the Senior High School of the participating Catholic school. The analysis of values integration’s evidence in the senior high school through the lenses of the participating students and teachers is the heart of the study. The participants consist of 15 students and 15 teachers of the Catholic School. The data collection was conducted by answering the open-ended focus group discussion questions through the researcher’s facilitation with the participants and was analyzed by the researcher using the grounded theory approach. The academic pursuit of properly integrating values appears to have found considerable support from student and teacher participants. The researcher concluded that the problem lies not in whether the participants are aware of values and their integration but in how the institution integrates and or teaches it. Based on evidence, values integration is present in the Catholic School’s academic endeavors through the teachers’ manners of discussion and as well as with the learning materials and school activities. |
Degree Course | Master of Arts in Education - Philosophy of Education |
Language | English |
Keyword | values education, values integration, moral education, catholic schools, senior high school, grounded theory approach |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
1.75 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access