Status : Verified
Personal Name | Jimenez, Jiza Marie S. |
Resource Title | Development Education in Human Capabilities Building among Rural Youth in the Philippines: The Case of the Family Farm School in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro |
Date Issued | August 2020 |
Abstract | How does a formal education institution exist as an expression of Development Education and as an agent of Community Development? The Gelacio I. Yason Foundation-Family Farm School (GIYF-FFS) is a private alternative secondary school located in Roxas, Oriental Mindoro. It aims to deliver holistic and contextualized education through an agriculture and entrepreneurship-based curriculum to create sustainable and self-propelling communities. While the GIYF-FFS primarily exists as a formal education institution, it also stands as an expression of Development Education through its transformative approach to integral human formation that seeks to empower community members in addressing their personal and collective goals and aspirations. Likewise, it is also an agent of Community Development through its contributions to individual and group capabilities building. The research gathered, documented, and analyzed the voices of 164 community members comprised of students, parents, tutors, school administrators, and partners of the GIYF-FFS. The study applied a qualitative research design to understand the unique features and characteristics of the Roxas FFS and how it contributes to the personal and collective strengthening and transformation of the rural youth and their families. The analysis of the data generated the following findings: a) the identification of folk terms on human capabilities, b) the classification of individual and group capabilities, c) the recognition of characteristics and processes involved in human capabilities development, d) the formation of an evolving framework on human capabilities based on practice, and e) the examination of the implications of the GIYF-FFS on building knowledge and practice on Development Education and Community Development. |
Degree Course | Master of Community Development |
Language | English |
Keyword | community development, development education, human capabilities development |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
373.97 Kb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access