Status : Verified
Personal Name | Abaño, Mira Angelika V. |
Resource Title | Freedom sought in France's third places : a multimodal critical discourse and social semiotic analysis on the COVID-19 vaccination campaign of the French government |
Date Issued | 31 August 2024 |
Abstract | This study focuses on providing a multimodal critical discourse and social semiotic analysis of materials used in France’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign entitled “Vaccin COVID-19 : Se vacciner, se protéger”. The study analyzes six posters and four screenshots taken from a video advertisement using visual grammar tools from Kress and van Leeuwen that are then organized further using a framework for critical discourse analysis by Kilby and Lennon, supplemented by a cultural framework built from the concepts of cultural exception, the concept of third places by Oldenburg, and literature on a selection of cultural aspects relevant to the elements present in the corpus. The objective of the study is to utilize these tools and concepts to analyze and illustrate France’s relationship with third places and cultural elements present in the multimodal materials used in public health communication and how the notion of cultural exception manifests itself in these. The analysis shows that France’s approach in its COVID-19 vaccination campaign leans towards the usage of cultural references and third places in a positive and encouraging manner. It can be concluded that the presence of these cultural references and the places and venues where these can be enjoyed not only serves as a way to encourage the action of vaccination, but is also a way of perpetuating, maintaining, and establishing this cultural exception, or the cultural elements that contribute to shaping France’s identity and cultural power. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Arts in European Languages |
Language | French |
Keyword | France; Cultural Exception; Public health communication; French language--Discourse analysis; Multimodal critical discourse analysis; Third Places |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access