Status : Verified
Personal Name | Gaille Lorrainne Yuki S. Monares |
Resource Title | Huy. Kilala Mo Ba Si Bernardo Carpio?: A Community Mural Making Event promoting the Legend of Bernardo Carpio to Young Montalbeños (aged 15-24) |
Date Issued | June 2024 |
Abstract | This study aims to find the relevance of the Bernardo Carpio legend to the Cultural identity of young Montalbeños (from ages 15-24). It employed mixed-method research in order to gauge the youth’s awareness of the legend, discover the annexes from which information is obtained, find the meanings attributed, and asses its relevance. Through a Survey-Questionnaire, results from 36 respondents have found that the youth is generally unaware of the Bernardo Carpio legend, exhibiting a high awareness of its basic premise but a low awareness of story details and its History. A Focus Group Discussion composed of 6 people revealed five major themes: 1) [Bernardo Carpio as] the Mean Between the Mountains of Montalban, 2) Bernardo Carpio is a Potent Figure of Persistent Strength, 3) Bernardo Carpio is Montalban’s Distinct Cultural Icon to take Pride in, 4) Bernardo Carpio is a means of Inclusion in the Community of Montalbeños, and 5) Difficulty in procuring further knowledge of Bernardo Carpio. Findings show that although Bernardo Carpio is relevant to the cultural identities of young Montalbeños, it is not prevalent in their daily lives. As such, a 3-pronged campaign called “Huy. Kilala mo ba si Bernardo Carpio?” was prepared to prompt conversation about Bernardo Carpio among the youth to build bonds, foster a sense of belonging, and strengthen their cultural identity. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Visual Communication |
Language | English |
Keyword | Bernardo Carpio, Montalban, Rodriguez, Philippine Folklore, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Cultural Identity, Cultural Promotion |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access