Status : Verified
Personal Name | Agustin, Danica Lane L. |
Resource Title | Mga Dalaga ng Malolos : a Filipino dramaturgical-based stage adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's novel, Little Women |
Date Issued | 24 June 2024 |
Abstract | This undergraduate thesis proposal constitutes a creative exploration of dramaturgy, with the specific objective of adapting Louisa May Alcott's Little Woman into a transcultural Filipino stage production, utilizing Jane Barnette's adaptation dramaturgy. The selection of the classic American novel as the literary centerpiece for a Filipino stage adaptation entails more than mere translation; it involves thoughtful adjustments to ensure resonance with the target audience's cultural context, values, and experiences. To realize the Filipino stage adaptation of Little Women, the initial step involves applying Jane Barnette’s process of adaptation dramaturgy in creating a dramaturgical study that translates the American novel to a Filipino stage adaptation set in the Rural Philippines in the late 1800s. Second, present a dramaturgical study that will serve as the basis of the playwright in writing the adaptation. Third and finally, produce the adaptation via collaborative engagement with an artistic team. This study culminates in the collaborative production of the adaptation, wherein an artistic team is engaged to bring the transcultural vision to life on stage. By combining adaptation dramaturgy, a culturally grounded dramaturgical study, and collaborative artistic efforts, this project seeks not only to adapt a literary classic but also to contribute to the diversification and enrichment of the Filipino theatrical landscape. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Arts in Theater Arts : Dramaturgy and Directing |
Language | Filipino; English |
Keyword | Mga Dalaga ng Malolos; Little Women; Stage adaptations; Dramaturgy; College and school drama, Filipino; Stage management; Theater -- Production and direction -- Philippines |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
3.40 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access