Status : Verified
Personal Name | Samson, Frances Ann A. |
Resource Title | Social partnership in selected educational institutions in South of Metro Manila |
Date Issued | October 2012 |
Abstract | This research takes into account the study of one of the more avant-garde theories in industrial relations – Social Partnership, an approach which promotes productivity and at the same time effective human resources management in an idyllic system built on common trust and interest, effective communication and a harmonious working environment between management and its employees. Social Partnership as an industrial relations tool have been applied and researched in varied sectors. To expand the study, this thesis focused on its implementation in educational institutions particularly in three (3) schools in South Metro Manila, namely: PAREF Southridge School for Boys, Elizabeth Seton and Blessed Trinity School of Las Pinas using case study approach. To enrich research findings, five additional industrial relations models were used as reference in assessing the effectiveness of the implemented Social Partnership programs in the participating schools, which are: Joint Consultation, Joint Management, Mutual Gains, Employee Involvement/employee Participation and Labor-Management Cooperation. The research also took into account the relationship between the school administrators, teachers and parents as well as the effect of other variables like that of organizational culture. The success of a well-implemented Social Partnership was measured through its outcomes, in this case: low-teacher grievance, stable enrollment, parent satisfaction, and school and student achievement. |
Degree Course | Master of Industrial Relations |
Language | Filipino; English |
Keyword | social partnership, educational institutions, social partnership programs |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
2.75 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access