Status : Verified
Personal Name | Torres, Chona H. |
Resource Title | Relationship between employee engagement and organizational commitment in government financial institutions in the Philippines |
Date Issued | June 2017 |
Abstract | This paper examines the relationship between employee engagement and organizational commitment in selected government financial institutions (GFIs) in the Philippines. To put this in perspective, the first major article on engagement at work as conceptualized by Kahn (1990) was discussed. The Gallup Q12 survey is used as a method to measure employee engagement while Meyer and Allen’s scale was applied to determine the tri-dimensional affective, continuance and normative organizational commitment of respondents. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with selected participants was utilized as well to come up with the triangulation method of research. Eight hundred ninety-seven(n=897) rank and file employees of three GFIs participated in the survey. Findings revealed that employees of GFIs are highly engaged and are committed to their organizations’ goals and values. It was made known those female and married employees who had been in government service for more than ten years had higher levels of engagement and higher affective commitment to their organizations. This was expressed in their emotional attachment and identification with their respective organizations. It was found out that the higher the level of employee engagement in GFIs, the higher the affective organizational commitment and the lowest for continuance with normative commitment in between them. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the understanding of employees’ level of engagement and its relationship with affective commitment to their organizations. |
Degree Course | Master of Industrial Relations |
Language | Filipino; English |
Keyword | employee engagement, Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative commitment, organizational commitment |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
3.06 Mb
Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access