Status : Verified
Personal Name | Tan, Annaliza F. |
Resource Title | Correlates and effect of workplace bullying in selected Philippine schools |
Date Issued | December 2017 |
Abstract | This paper aims to show the prevalence of different types of workplace bullying in selected Philippine schools and examines the correlates and its effects on worker’s mental health and level of job satisfaction. Workplace bullying is distinguished by type and dimension. It is either downward vertical (perpetrator are in higher job level), upward vertical (perpetrator are in lower job level), or horizontal (perpetrator are of the same job level). The dimension of workplace bullying refers to work-related, person-related, and physically intimidating. Work-related bullying refers to being subjected to negative acts that impact the victim’s work performance. Person-related bullying is experiencing a negative act that is demeaning to the person while physically intimidating is a facet of bullying that has intimidating action. The study used both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis. The quantitative method includes descriptive statistics, cross-tabulation, and regression analysis using the data collected from a survey that uses a modified version of the Negative Acts Questionnaire by Einarsen, Hoel and Notelaers (2001) and the Job Satisfaction Questionnaire by Spector (1985). The statistical results were supplemented by the qualitative data gathered from in-depth key informant interview. The study shows that more than half (55 percent) of the faculty and management staff experienced workplace bullying. The ten most commonly experienced negative acts among workers in the school were work-related and person-related as follows: someone withholding information affecting performance as experienced by 31 percent of the respondents; persistent criticism of errors or mistakes (30 percent), being ignored or excluded (27 percent); being pressured not to claim an entitlement (26 percent), being ordered to do work below level of competence (26 percent), being exposed to unmanageable workload (26 percent), excessive monitoring of work ranked (25 percent), repeate |
Degree Course | Master of Industrial Relations |
Language | English; Filipino |
Keyword | workplace bullying, mental health, job satisfaction, Philippine schools, stress, work culture, workplace violence, types of workplace bullying, dimensions of workplace bullying |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access