Status : Verified
Personal Name | Cada, Ronyth Francette N. |
Resource Title | Examining the role of coach- and peer-created motivational climate on team cohesion in cheerleading |
Date Issued | January 2024 |
Abstract | This study investigated how the motivational climates created by coaches and peers influence cohesion in cheerleading teams. One hundred and twenty collegiate cheerleaders (n =120) were asked to answer an online multi-section survey containing measures of coach-created motivational climate, peer-created motivational climate, and group cohesion at the end of their competition season. Multiple regression analysis showed that social cohesion was positively predicted by peer-created task motivational climate and negatively predicted by coach-created and peer-created ego motivational climate. Similarly, task cohesion was positively predicted by coach- and peer-created task motivational climate, and negatively predicted by coach-created and peer-created ego motivational climate. Aside from this, the relationship of motivational climate and cohesion with respondents’ characteristics, such as sex, years with coach, and years with team were also analyzed. Findings revealed that males were more likely to perceive peer-created ego motivational climate compared to females while females perceive higher social cohesion compared to males. Also, years with coach and team were positively correlated to coach-created ego climate. Overall, the results of this study suggest that both coach- and peer-created motivational climate play important roles in forming team cohesion in cheerleading. |
Degree Course | Bachelor of Sports Science |
Language | English |
Keyword | coach-created motivational climate; peer-created motivational climate; task cohesion; social cohesion; sex; years with team; years with coach |
Material Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Preliminary Pages
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Category : F - Regular work, i.e., it has no patentable invention or creation, the author does not wish for personal publication, there is no confidential information.
Access Permission : Open Access